So it seemed that it was cool for everyone to be in a relationship but me. So I took matters into my own hands and ended up with him: him who displayed the characteristics of a cheater a liar an abuser and a thief. So why was I surprised when he broke into my heart? I called 911 but I was cardiac arrested for aiding and abetting ‘cos it was me who let him in claiming we were just friends. I was already decided for me by the first date that even if he wasn’t, I was gonna make him the one. You know I was tired of being alone and I simply made up in my mind that it was about that time so I decided to drag him along for the ride ‘cos I was always the bridesmaid and never the bride. A virgin in the physical but mentally just a grown woman on the corner in heat and was tired of the wait. So I was gonna make him the one. He had a form of godliness but not much bbut hey hey I can change him, so I’ll take him; I mean he's close enough. Ready to sell my aorta for a quarter not knowing the value of its use to me. Arteries so clogged with my will it blocked his will from flowing through me. So I thank Christ that his blood pressure gave this heart an attack that flat-lined my obscure vision put me flat on my back. Through my ignorance he saw so through my sternum he sawed and cracked opened my chest and transplant so I was fit to molt in a new heart and a renewed rite spirit within. So now I fully understand better yet I thoroughly comprehend how much I need to wait for You. See the bad thing is that I knew he wasn’t You from the beginning ‘cos in the beginning was the word and he didn’t even sound or shine like your son. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and all he could whisper was sweet empty nothings which meant nothing. He couldn’t even pray when I needed him to. Asking him to fast would be absurd so forget about being cleansed and washed with water through the word. But I know You. You’re already praying for me, even never having met me, let me assure You I will wait for You. I will no longer date, socialize or communicate with carbon copies of You to appease my boredom or to quench my thirsty desire for attention and short lived compliments from ‘sorta kindas’. You know, he sorta kinda right but sorta kinda wrong. His first name luke his last name warm. I won’t settle for false companionship, I won’t lay in the embrace of his arms attempting to find some closeness but never feeling so far far apart, ‘cause I just want to be held. ‘Cos all I gotta do is say —no. No more almost sessions of almost coming close passing winks and buying drinks and I’ma I’ma I’ma flirt who flirts with the ideology of ‘can you just tell me how much I can get away with and still be saved’? No more. I’ll stay in my bed alone and write poems about how I will wait for You. He won’t even come close, our fingers won’t even interlock, we won’t even exchange breath. ‘Cos I have thoughts that I’ve saved as in a file that God has only equipped you to open. I will no longer get rated down from so called friends and family talks about the concern for my biological clock when I serve the author of time —who is not subject to time but I am subject to Him. He has the ability to stop, fast, forward, pause or rewind at any given time. So if we could role play you would be Abraham and I would be Sarah or you could be Isaac and I could be Rebecca a servant’s answered prayer. I am bone of your bone flesh of your flesh, made up of your rib —Adam. And once we meet like electrons that will be bound to your nucleus completely indivisible —atom. We even speak the same math: one plus one plus one equals three which really equals one if you add ‘em. We were all created in His image but you have the ability to reflect, project and even detect the sun. If I were to explain what you look like you would have to look like a star, a son of the sun. I would gain energy simply from the light that You shine on me I would need you in order to complete my photosynthesis. I await Your revelation but once again from the genesis I will wait for You and I will know You, because when you speak I will be reminded of Solomon’s wisdom. Your ability to lead will remind me of Moses. Your faith will remind me of Abraham. Your confidence in God’s word will remind me of Daniel. Your inspiration will remind me of Paul. Your heart for God will remind me of David. Your attention to detail will remind me of Noah. Your integrity will remind me of Joseph and your ability to abandon your own will will remind me of the disciples, but your ability to love selflessly and unconditionally will remind me of Christ. But I won’t need to identify you by any special matthews or any special marks, ‘cos his word will be tatted all over your heart. And you will know me and you will find me where the boldness of Esther meets the warm closeness of Ruth, with the hospitality of Lydia as align with the submission of Mary, which is engulfed in the tears of a praying Hannah. I will be the one drenched in Proverbs 31 waiting for you. But to my Father, my Father who has known me before I was birthed into this earth only if You should see fit. I desire Your will above mine so even if You call me to a life of singleness, my heart is content with You: the one who has sent. You are the greatest love story ever told, the greatest love ever known. You are forever my judge and I’m forever your witness and I pray that I’m always found on a mission about my Father’s business. I will always be Yours and I will always wait for You, Lord. More than the watchmen wait for the morning more than the watchmen wait for the morning, I will wait.
Some of us also recently started a Bible reading accountability thing where we take turns sharing our thoughts and questions. As we started with Matthew 1 today, this video was shared.
A Christian has been sentenced to one year in prison for "creating chaos" for selling and distributing Christian books and other literature near a major Muslim gathering north of this capital city. Supposedly he did not get the chance for self-defense in court. In 2009, Muslim pilgrims beat and threatened to kill another Bible student as he distriubted Christian literature. Bangladesh is the world's third-largest Muslim-majority nation, with Muslims making up 89 perpect of its population of 164.4 million. Christians are less than 1 percent of the total, and Hindus 9 percent.
I've had a fairly emotional day today. From talking about family plans and direction at lunch to finding out about a dejected church member to reduced working hours to this, even just listening to Ravi Zacharias describing numerous stories of poverty and struggle in India, stories of people drinking milk out of the garbage or babies who survived from being thrown into a dumpster by a mother with AIDS, my heart has carried a lot of burden for one day. But then I come home and read about THIS. Sure this adds more emotion to my day, but it also teaches me to shut up for a few minutes.
I don't think I've ever used the word "thankless" before. But right now, I think I'm worthy of using it on myself. Man, what a day.
Thought of the Day: Happy Birthday, Terrance (haha).
My friends had been telling me about this 왕돈까스 place for a while now. I didn't believe how big it was until I actually got my plate. They weren't kidding. Only 6,000won too!
Here is our new EM mascot aka 영진. Or was it 영지? Well, her English name is Joan as in Joan of Arc. Our new pastor's daughter. Amazingly cute.
These guys really wanted to play arcades today, but I think watching them was more fun than playing.
On March 8, armed Muslims entered the home of an elderly Christian leader who founded a church. When they began to assault the church leader, his grandson screamed at the men to leave his grandfather alone. They swung at his head and arms with their machetes and wounded his head and hand. The men robbed the house believing the man was dead. The young man's family was forced to make a three hour journey on foot to take him to a hospital in a nearby city, where he is still receiving treatment. The Muslims announced through loudspeakers that this attack is only the beginning and should be viewed as only a warning to the Christians. More attacks would be coming and more Christians would be killed in the future attacks.
It just occurred to me that it's March 16th today. That means that it is my brother's birthday along with Enoch's and Blake Griffin's. Haha. I've had this blog for a while now, but I don't think I've ever dedicated a post to Simon. I often describe him as the smushed version of me (both physically and mentally), but there are a few things that I think I should point out about my brother that many people don't know.
Growing up, we always balled together, and I awaited the day when he would finally grow up and be a good match for me (that day still hasn't come). Since I'm five years older, I was also undefeated in insults, video games, and eating. Naturally, my mom often compared the two of us, which pretty much translated into nagging to him. Maybe that's why he got suspended in kindergarten for slapping a girl in the face for cutting in front of him for ice cream. Maybe that's why he had a period of tics and ripped up paper for no reason. Maybe that's why he once slammed the trunk door on my head when we used to live in Burlingame. I think it's all starting to make sense now.
But 22 years ago on this very day, God brought this little bear into our family that brought us much joy and pride. I think he was supposed to die when he got hit by a truck when he was only two, but God chose to give him a second chance. I have often abused and taken him for granted throughout our years together, but he has been resilient with that thick body and heart of his. I guess I can even argue that he has so much character because I put him through so much suffering and hardship. Haha. I have a younger brother who can give his older brother piggyback rides like they're nothing. He knows how to smile more and crack up a room with his own laughter. His UCLA status has swollen my parents' pride that has forgotten about my anteater education. On this day, I am once again thankful that I am never bored when Simon is around. Happy Birthday.
Jiang, a 41-year-old Christian lawyer who has campaigned for religious freedom in China was seized by authorities who have refused to tell his wife where they are holding him or whether he has been charged. On February 19th, he was taken to a police station for interrogation where his head was knocked against a wall. In an interview just days before his arrest, he said, "My only hope is that the day comes later, but I cannot avoid it at all...the authorities tied Gao (another outspoken lawyer who has been missing since April 2010) up and beat him continually. They used an electric shock baton on his penis. As a human being I am definitely afraid of torutre, but they cannot stop us doing the right thing - the pursuit of is a deterrent to other human rights lawyers. They want to fill our hearts with terror and fear. They also imply that the treatment Gao Zhisheng suffered could also happen to us...please pray that the Lord will strengthen me and give me wisdom."
I was inspired by Tiff to start this up again. I thought nobody read this stuff. Spread the awareness and pray!
This is my friend, Joe, who lives in a far off land called 평택. He technically lives in a place called 안성, but everybody confuses that with 안산. I visited him yesterday to see just how country his area is. This is a picture of him giving me an idea.
He told me that there was a river nearby the area, so we did a lot of walking to check it out. We concluded that we should come back again when it's warmer and go fishing here with some of the guys.
As dinner was approaching and Joe didn't have a clue as to what was good in his area, I looked up Naver to see what would make my long journey worthwhile. A few people recommended this 부대찌개 place as there happens to be a military base nearby. This place took us forever to find; I think I literally had to stop and ask eight different people for directions.
But we found it.
And had our ramen with it...only to conclude that it wasn't worth the search. But we found it, tried it, and never have to go back again. I think I wanna explore more of 경기 on my off days.
Dinko had recommended Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles a while back along with Pastor Mike who had told me that it wasn't too bad as well. I finally came around to it and can belatedly agree that it's actually a pretty decent show. I like how they try to be very consistent with the Terminator movies. I also like how they thought it was so necessary to choose a girl Terminator who is pretty attractive. I think we all need to be more thankful that Terminators don't exist in our world. That would make things quite difficult.
Another new thing that I recently started is my "Small Group Discussion Topics for Korean Students" book with my 아줌마 class. Today's topic was Teenage Sex Trade (the picture above actually comes out in my book), so I was a bit concerned that it would be a very uncomfortable class. However, I was actually very surprised by how open everyone was about their thoughts and opinions on prostitution and pornography. The discussion kinda went off the road when the 아줌마s started talking about their experiences of catching their sons watching porn. Then when I tried to bring them back to focus and asked how we could solve the prostitution problem, one of the ladies passionately argued that we need to kill all the adult male customers.
아줌마: Why do men do these things? WHY DO YOU GUYS DO IT?! Me: I'm so sorry.
I finally finished both courses on the History of Christianity and was debating on what to start listening to next. I still have a bunch of Phil Ryken stuff, but I think he's more of a Sunday morning kind of guy. Then I remembered how Jae had told me that people had recommended Ravi Zacharias to him. I remember listening to Ravi once way back in high school when I first met Chang on our roadtrip to LA. Then later in college, I visited a KCM apartment and found one of the theological dudes listening to one of Ravi's talks. So I gave the Indian author and apologist a shot. I seriously hit the bullseye!
Thought of the Day: Chadwick Song of the Day: Lupe Fiasco-Never Forget You
We finished a 10 week Bible Study on finances today at our church. I wasn't expecting that much in the beginning, but it turned out to be really good. I've already shared with a number of people that I was so surprised to learn how much the Bible opposes debt and how we are supposed to pay it off as soon as possible. Debt is essentially bondage, and bondage is something that displeases the Lord. Growing up as an American, I saw debt as something common and regular, especially with school loans and credit card bills.
According to a CNN article that I read, "many Americans follow the same pattern: work hard in high school, go to college, accrue a load of debt and get a job right away to work it off." And as I grew up in the same pattern, I was very lax with paying off my school loans all these years. But I have now decided to have a fixed spending/saving plan that will allow me to be debt-free
(assuming that I maintain my current income) before I turn 30...American age. That means limiting my weekly spending to 50,000won. I wonder if I'll end up losing weight this way. I think it's a healthy challenge.
Another challenge that I have brought upon myself is to learn how to pray in Korean. I always believed that this was the ultimate test of how good a person's Korean was. Not that this will finally turn me into a fluent speaker or anything, but I felt so humbled after my Korean teacher asked me to pray in Korean for our class. I. Sounded. SO. STUPID. Fortunately, we had a private class today. But some time this week, I'm going to actually ask my mom to teach me how to pray in my mother tongue (no pun intended). No more of this "God Thank you Amen" stuff. Man, just the thought of learning is burdensome.
Thought of the Day: Pastor Samuel
Song of the Day: Tony Rich Project-Nobody Knows It But Me
"I believe that the messages that are most full of Christ are the most likely to be blessed to the conversion of the hearers. Let your sermons be full of Christ-from beginning to end crammed full of the Gospel. As for myself, I cannot preach anything but Christ and His cross, for I know nothing else. Long ago, like the apostle Paul, I determined not to know anything else 'save Jesus Christ, and him crucified' (1 Corinthians 2:2). People have often asked me, 'What is the secret of your success?' I always answer that I have no other secret but this: I have preached the Gospel-not about the Gospel, but the Gospel-the full, free, glorious Gospel of the living Christ who is the incarnation of the Good News. Preach Jesus Christ, always and everywhere. Every time you preach, be sure to have much of Christ in the message...We must have Christ in all our messages, no matter what else is in them or not in them. There ought to be enough of the Gospel in every message to save a soul."