July 21, 2016

Thankful > Excited

I have about two free weeks left before the teaching career really begins. It has not been easy trying to imagine what my classes will be like and how I should prepare lessons or activities for them. It doesn't help knowing the universal fact that the first year of teaching is the most difficult year.

I tried to get myself inspired by watching movies like Freedom Writers and Stand and Deliver, but all they seem to do is fast-forward to all of the successful outcomes of their struggles. Jaime Escalante apparently didn't even have any struggles. Orale! here and the students all do their homework, and Orale! there and the students are finding derivatives right after Algebra I.

Well, at least I got a job in the district that's really close to where I live. I guess I'm more thankful than excited for my first year of teaching. Buy bigger pizzas everyone!

Thought of the Day: Heat Wave
Song of the Day: Eric B. & Rakim-Paid in Full