March 15, 2011

My Facebook Message to Sheemones

It just occurred to me that it's March 16th today. That means that it is my brother's birthday along with Enoch's and Blake Griffin's. Haha. I've had this blog for a while now, but I don't think I've ever dedicated a post to Simon. I often describe him as the smushed version of me (both physically and mentally), but there are a few things that I think I should point out about my brother that many people don't know.

Growing up, we always balled together, and I awaited the day when he would finally grow up and be a good match for me (that day still hasn't come). Since I'm five years older, I was also undefeated in insults, video games, and eating. Naturally, my mom often compared the two of us, which pretty much translated into nagging to him. Maybe that's why he got suspended in kindergarten for slapping a girl in the face for cutting in front of him for ice cream. Maybe that's why he had a period of tics and ripped up paper for no reason. Maybe that's why he once slammed the trunk door on my head when we used to live in Burlingame. I think it's all starting to make sense now.

But 22 years ago on this very day, God brought this little bear into our family that brought us much joy and pride. I think he was supposed to die when he got hit by a truck when he was only two, but God chose to give him a second chance. I have often abused and taken him for granted throughout our years together, but he has been resilient with that thick body and heart of his. I guess I can even argue that he has so much character because I put him through so much suffering and hardship. Haha. I have a younger brother who can give his older brother piggyback rides like they're nothing. He knows how to smile more and crack up a room with his own laughter. His UCLA status has swollen my parents' pride that has forgotten about my anteater education. On this day, I am once again thankful that I am never bored when Simon is around. Happy Birthday.

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