December 8, 2009

Wedding Crasher

A few months ago, Joe invited me to a wedding that he was going to.  So I went.  I ate.  I bounced.  Two weeks ago, Joe invited me to another wedding of yet another person that I did not know.  So I went.  I ate.  I bounced.  Again, one week later, Joe invited me to a third wedding.  Since it would have been awful rude of me to stop the momentum, I gracefully accepted and did my damage.  This coming weekend, although the wedding invitations have ceased, I will be attending the Josun Hotel buffet for lunch with a couple of my students and their moms.  Since this meal will be ridiculously expensive and delicious, I'm going to give them a show.  Tis the season to be jolly (and fat!).  Step aside, Santa.

Some of you know that both of my parents had major teeth problems and have been getting new implants and/or dentures.  I have been able to observe the terrible discomforts that my dad has been suffering through as he has either had to chew on one side of his mouth, chew only with his front teeth, or not chew at all and just swallow.  Both of my parents spend extra time cleaning their teeth and visiting dentists on a regular basis.  Money is drained.  Pain is induced.  Smiles are lost.

As a result, I recently started to pay more attention to my own dental hygiene.  I've always been good about brushing and avoiding serious cavities, but I never developed a habit of flossing.  My mom would always bug me about brushing after every meal and flossing, but I never took her words seriously.  Somewhere along the line, however, I picked up flossing once a week and liked how my gums felt fresh after all the plaque and blood were released.  Yeah, I didn't know that your gums weren't supposed to bleed after flossing.  So I found out that through Wikipedia the other day that I've had gingivitis for many many years.

I share all this not to gross you out or boast of my ignorance.  I figured if I didn't know the benefits and importance of flossing, there had to be a handful of you who didn't know either.  So join me in flossing daily from now on.  I'm on Day 3.

Thought of the Day:  Chocolate
Song of the Day:  Sqeezer-Saturday Night

1 comment:

elisa said...

hahaha korean weddings are so different from american weddings... that's why korean people think they could show up at weddings here without RSVPing and then they get upset because they dont have a seat. =)