December 6, 2009

Love your neighbor

In our most recent Bible Study, the last question read:
As one who has been born of God, are there ways you can see the family traits of obedience and love developing in your life?  What things or circumstances has God used to bring about those changes?

We all know that suffering builds character.  But if I break the suffering down, I realize that most of it comes from people.  Difficult people.  God has taught me more of what it means to love by placing unlovable people in my life.  People who are stupid and ugly (which is a pretty awful combination).  The disagreeable.  The racists.  The awkward.  The bastards.  I obviously never prefer to be around such neighbors, but the Lord keeps placing them in my life.  However, it is amazing how God uses them to make me into a more loving person.  You'd think that having many lovable people around you would teach you to love more.  No, it is quite the contrary.  It is the terrible who have taught THIS terrible person to love even more.  It's these people who are perfect mirrors when I see myself before God.  The worse the person, the worse my heart.  The worse my heart, the greater the grace.  The greater the grace, the greater I love.

I'm still working on it too.

Thought of the Day:  Great Sunday
Song of the Day:  Glee Cast-Somebody To Love

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