May 24, 2009

After some movie conversation, I was inspired to update my top movies list. I feel so stupid for spending so much time on this. Oh well.

Personal Favorites:
1. Pulp Fiction
2. Swingers
3. Chingoo
4. My Sassy Girl

1. Terminator 2
2. Robocop
3. Face/Off
4. Mission Impossible
5. Terminator
6. Mission Impossible 3

1. Shrek
2. Aladdin
3. Lion King
4. Wall E
5. Toy Story I/II
6. The Incredibles
7. Fantasia

Best Performance:
1. Oasis
2. Forrest Gump
3. Rainman
4. Scent of a Woman
5. To Die For
6. Silence of the Lambs
7. Erin Brokavich
8. Girl, Interrupted

Best Twist:
1. Old Boy
2. Saw
3. Usual Suspects
4. The Sixth Sense
5. Fight Club

Best Villain:
1. Robocop
2. Faceoff
3. Training Day
4. Sin City
5. Silence of the Lambs
6. Se7en
7. Saw

1. 2001: Space Odyssey
2. Akira
3. Donnie Darko
4. The Rocky Horror Picture Show
5. Eyes Wide Shut
6. Suicide Club
7. Battle Royale
8. Mulholland Drive

Black Movies:
1. Menace II Society
2. Dead Presidents
3. Belly
4. Bamboozled
5. Do the Right Thing

1. Swingers
2. Dumb & Dumber
3. Office Space
4. Meet the Parents
5. Shallow Hal
6. Austin Powers
7. Speedy Scandal
8. Kingpin
9. Orange County
10. Annie Hall
11. Ace Ventura
12. Ace Ventura 2
13. Snatch
14. Manhattan

1. Oldboy
2. Kill Bill Vol. 1
3. Sin City
4. Memento
5. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
6. Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
7. 300
8. Eternal Sunshine and the Spotless Mind
9. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
10. Stranger Than Fiction

1. Bus 174
2. Rhyme and Reason
3. Freestyle: The Art of Rhyme
4. Super Size Me
5. An Inconvenient Truth

1. When Spring Comes
2. Asako in Ruby Shoes
3. Chungking Express
4. The Lives of Others
5. American Beauty
6. Schindler’s List
7. Raging Bull
8. The Pianist
9. In America

Feel Good:
1. Forrest Gump
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. Jerry Maguire
4. Remember the Titans
5. Oceans 11
6. Oceans 12
7. Oceans 13
8. Gran Torino

Foreign Struggle:
1. The City of God
2. Blood Diamond
3. Hotel Rwanda
4. Turtles Can Fly
5. Slumdog Millionaire
6. City of Men

1. Rounders
2. Tazza
3. The Color of Money
4. The Hustler
5. Shade
6. The Sting

1. The Godfather
2. Good Fellas
3. The Godfather: Part II
4. Scarface
5. The Godfather: Part III

1. Vertigo
2. The Birds
3. Rear Window
4. Psycho

1. Interview with the Vampire
2. The Sixth Sense
3. The Exorcist
4. The Shining
5. The Ring
6. Ju-On
7. Child’s Play 2
8. Child’s Play 3

1. Eternal Sunshine and the Spotless Mind
2. Lost in Translation
3. The Wrestler
4. Punch Drunk Love
5. Sideways
6. Garden State

1. Good Will Hunting
2. A Beautiful Mind
3. Searching for Bobby Fischer

1. Chingoo
2. My Sassy Girl
3. When Spring Comes
4. Asako in Ruby Shoes
5. Attack of the Gas Station
6. Radio Star
7. Silmido
8. Speedy Scandal
9. Christmas in August
10. Oasis

Martial Arts:
1. Bloodsport
2. Kickboxer
3. Best of the Best
4. Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story
5. Drunken Master II
6. Rumble in the Bronx

1. Amadeus
2. Vitus
3. The Legend of 1900
4. Mr. Holland’s Opus
5. School of Rock
6. Shine

1. Moulin Rouge
2. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
3. Singin’ in the Rain
4. Sound of Music
5. Chicago
6. Newsies
7. West Side Story

1. The Matrix
2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
3. Vanilla Sky
4. 12 Monkeys

1. American History X
2. Crash
3. Babel
4. Do the Right Thing

1. Notting Hill
2. My Sassy Girl
3. Moulin Rouge
4. Romeo & Juliet
5. When Harry Met Sally
6. Roman Holiday
7. Before Sunrise
8. Before Sunset

1. Requiem for a Dream
2. Pyunji
3. House of Sand and Fog
4. Million Dollar Baby
5. Mystic River

1. A Clockwork Orange
2. Star Wars Trilogy
3. The Matrix
4. The Fly
5. Alien

1. Rocky IV
2. Remember the Titans
3. Rocky
4. Hardball

1. Batman Returns
2. Dark Knight
3. X-men
4. X-men 2
5. Ironman
6. Batman
7. Spiderman
8. Hulk
9. Batman Begins
10. X-men 3

1. Back to the Future
2. Star Wars
3. The Godfather
4. Lord of the Rings
5. Rocky
6. Batman
7. Terminator
8. Indiana Jones
9. Spiderman

1. Braveheart
2. Saving Private Ryan
3. Full Metal Jacket
4. Taegukgi
5. Pearl Harbor
6. Platoon
7. Apocalypse Now

1. Tombstone
2. The Good The Bad The Ugly
3. Unforgiven
4. Young Guns

Most Underrated:
When Spring Comes

Worst Movie Of All Time:
Bodies, Rest, and Motion

Thought of the Day: Moving screen.
Song of the Day: Wheesung-불면증 (Insomnia)

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