July 23, 2019


was amazing.

This is a picture of Mark and his medical team that works with many rescued victims of human trafficking. The woman in orange is one of the few second generation Khmer Christians in the country. Her parents lived through and survived the Khmer Rouge out of 210 Christians. Incredible.

There are too many crazy stories that were told, but there is one about a former prostitute that cleaned up her life and married a Christian guy. When Mark asked the guy if he knew everything about her past, he said that he did. But Mark asked him if he knew EVERYTHING everything. The guy said he cried for so many days that his stomach hurt after hearing everything about the girl's past. In the end, he had to ask himself, "Why shouldn't I accept her if Jesus has accepted us?"

God is doing some amazing things in that country.

Thought of the Day: Morning Hike
Song of the Day: CityAlight-Ancient of Days

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