January 2, 2011

And a Happy New Year

Two of my students' moms bought me lunch at an 80,000won buffet on New Year's Day. I've made a couple of new friends at church who love the same things I love. I got me some new books to add to my Goodreads collection while getting rid of old ones at Whatthebook. I have set dates for going snowboarding twice this winter. My winter schedule has been finalized with 3/5 days starting after lunch and everyday ending before dinner. How did I do that with 15 students? I'd say the new year has been kicking off pretty well.

One proud note I wanted to share was that I ended up finishing my bathroom, bed, and Korean book before 2011! I put my diligence into hyperdrive and just bulldozed through them books. Now that we have a new year upon us, I think this will be the first year where I set some concrete goals.

1. I want to study Korean every weekday using my 가나다 Korean for Foreigners book and a couple of other supplements that I've used in the past. I was able to do it last week, so I know I should be able to do it again regularly. Language is seriously like exercise, so you gotta keep at it consistently or else you'll get language fat.

2. Along with language fat, I want to avoid physical fat by doing crunches and pushups every weekday as well. I know I'm not fat even according to Korean standards, but I do have fatty areas that can turn into muscle. I doubt I'll ever be able to get a six pack because I just don't have the discipline to stay away from my favorite foods, but I can at least stay fit.

I think those two are more than enough for now. I'll think of more once I give up on either of them. The battle begins today.

Thought of the Day: 미인
Song of the Day: Far East Movement feat. The Cataracs & Dev-Like A G6

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