June 16, 2010


On Saturday, I was walking up some stairs in a subway station, and my eyes fell upon a decent looking butt in front of me. I usually try not to check people out, but I couldn't help admiring this well-formed butt. However, when I got to the top of the stairs, I learned that this nice butt belonged to a dude. Dangit.

Last night, as I was brushing my teeth, I couldn't help but notice how new the toothbrush felt. I just assumed that I had done a thorough job of flossing, so maybe my gums were feeling a bit more sensitive to the bristles. After finishing my brushing job, my mirror showed me that I had once again used my dad's toothbrush instead of mine. I don't even know how I made this mistake...his is blue. Mine is pink! What's wrong with me?!

It amazes me to think that all these small (or huge) mistakes are never accidents. Every shot that Kobe misses or every goal that Ji Sung scores has been ordained by the author of this world. But I don't think I'll ever know why I checked out a guy's butt and used my dad's toothbrush (twice) instead of mine. Does God crack up when I do these things?

Thought of the Day: Argentina
Song of the Day: Donawhale-Echo

1 comment:

elisa said...

LOL!!!!! like seriously... laughing out loud. so you use a pink toothbrush and check out guy's butts? oh no, Phil. ahahahahahaha