April 17, 2010


I kinda picked up origami.  I originally wanted to learn how to make a small box because I didn't have anything to wrap my students' small birthday gifts.  But after finding it quite easy with a satisfying result, I decided to try some other things.  Here's what I learned how to make so far.  All first drafts.  I knew I saved all those old Internet articles for something.

I actually find myself enjoying origami very much because I'm usually terrible with my hands.  Piano never came naturally to me.  To this day, I still do not know how to give a proper massage that doesn't evoke screaming.  I also usually win in the bad handwriting contest.  It really fascinates me how some people can do all three really well.

But I guess the biggest reason why I am growing to appreciate origami is because I am learning to make something out of nothing.  What started off as something blank and flat somehow grew dimensions and form.  Various folds and creases produce beauty and purpose.  In a sense, I am imitating our own Creator who made the far greater and amazing origami that we live in and are also a part of.  What a nice pastime.

Thought of the Day:  Book
Song of the Day:  Two Myung-Muse

1 comment:

elisa said...

"I still do not know how to give a proper massage that doesn't evoke screaming" <-- LOL!!!!