April 18, 2010

Lotte Giants

As everyone knows, baseball has exploded in Korea. My dad used to criticize Korean baseball and always compared it to the MLB, but he now watches many of the games on TV. He even wants to go watch a game with me in 목동 one of these days. Two years ago, I was able to watch a Doosan vs. Lotte game for one of our church outings. Yesterday, we did the same exact thing except this time we sat where all the Lotte fans were sitting.

These fans are seriously the most hardcore, maybe like the Yankees fans of Korea.

Although we were supposed to cheer for Doosan because they're in Seoul, I found myself joining the Lotte fans in their songs and cheers.

The Lotte fans have a "야!" shout whenever the opposing team's pitcher doesn't hurry up and pitch or almost hits the batter. I love this.

I guess the last unique thing about Korean baseball is that it has cheerleaders. I think it would be so fun to be the guy cheerleader with his whistle and cheer signs.
All in all, if you're gonna go to a Korean baseball game, you gotta go when Lotte is playing and sit with its fans. 롯대 화이팅!

Thought of the Day: 이쁜학생
Song of the Day: Two Myung-붉은달

1 comment:

Doubly Cured said...

I think you've discovered your calling.