March 25, 2010

Time Travel 2

I've been going back and rewatching old movies (again) that I enjoyed in the past. But the unfortunate thing is that I find many of them somewhat disappointing compared to my positive memories of them.

Chungking Express

City of God

Groundhog Day

I don't know what happened. They're just not as good as the first time that I watched them. Usually you're supposed to appreciate a movie more the second or third time around, right? I wish I had left them the way they were. It makes me sad to lose previous pleasures...kinda like the monkey bars.

On the other hand, two books that I revisited that did not disappoint were The Giver and Ender's Game. I found The Giver to be far more profound than when I had in 5th grade, mainly because I actually understood it this time along with its many deep themes and implications. Ender's Game is still just so much fun to read. But I'm sure that with time, these too will lose their beauty and fun in my heart for whatever reason.

I've been disappointed with the stories of Anne Frank and Helen Keller just as I was disappointed with Jean-Dominique Bauby's autobiography that he wrote with the blinks of an eye. I guess I just assumed that their special lives would include life-changing words for me. But more than anything, I'm just reading them just to be able to say that I read them.

Truly, everything is fleeting. Nothing lasts in this world. The world is just a giant Groundhog Day.

Thought of the Day: Punxsatawney Phil
Song of the Day: Creamchou-샤워

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