December 19, 2009

Quotation Marks

This week's persecuted church: Eritrea
30 Christian women were arrested in Asmara, the country's capital
city. The International Christians Concerns' manager for Africa and
South Asia said, "The Christians were praying at a house at the time
Eritrean officials raided the prayer meeting, arrested all of the
people, and took them to the police station...They don't pose any
security risk to the country. These are just old married people.
They have just come together to pray. It doesn't make any sense to
arrest moms and grand-moms for praying together. Eritrean officials
continue to deny that they are violating the religious freedom of
their people. They continue to deny they are imprisoning Christians.
This is just unbelievable."

"The perfect church service would be one we were almost unaware of; our attention would have been on God."
-C.S. Lewis from Letters to Malcom

"Ultimately our Christian service exists only to draw attention to this source-to our crucified and risen Lord who gave Himself as a ransom for us all."
-C.J. Mahanaey from Humility True Greatness

Thought of the Day: Justin
Song of the Day: Shane & Shane-My Hope Is Built

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