November 15, 2006

i just wrote a considerable amount of words in reply to Sunny Kim, and i somehow lost it all. the crazy thing is that as soon as i lost the page, DJ DOC's "Gaburyuh" came out on my itunes. if you know how the intro goes, you'll know how appropriate that song was for my distressing situation. perfect. just perfect.

today, i wore a scarf out in public for the first time in my life. when i bought it last week with my cousin, i didn't know how to put it on, and the store lady laughed at me. my cousin simply replied, "living in California, i guess he wouldn't know how to put on a scarf." it's like he's known me all my life. anyways today, along with my scarf accessory, i also wore my really big windbreaker pants that keep my legs unbelievably warm. well, a few of my students commented on how much they liked them because they were so outrageous.

me: David, i'm wearing your favorite pants again today.
David: they are very cool.
me: Ji Hye, do you like my pants?
*Ji Hye laughs*
me: Min Jun, do you like my pants?
Min Jun: they are very exciting.

today, my dad looked at my hiphop poster and asked me to explain the reason for the "Parental Advisory" sign. it was really interesting explaining hiphop culture and music to my dad in my broken Korean. sometimes, i'm fascinated by how deep our conversations can go despite our language barriers. he tries to explain his favorite Korean poems and recommends all this profound literature that i'm pretty sure i'll never read. man, we talk about so much crap you wouldn't even believe it. but at the end of the day, we always find ourselves talking about our family and how much God has blessed us. my parents have lived some pretty pathetic lives, but they are happy. my parents are truly a testament to the real peace that can only come from knowing Christ. at the end of our conversation, my dad agreed that hiphop can be good too. what an openminded fellow.

Thought of the Day: Poor Mike.
Song of the Day: Fly To The Sky-When Snow Falls

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