October 12, 2006

this blog is turning into a photo album. since i always talk about my work, i wanna give you a glimpse of my working environment...

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that is the front desk secretary. i used to have her job when i used to work at the Elite in Irvine. i ABHORED that job. for some reason, we all call her 선생님. she is really really nice and cheerful-the best first face to see coming into work.

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this is where you'll usually find 실장님, my second boss. the door in the back is where the teachers take their five minute breaks in between classes and talk about how much they love/hate their classes. when you turn to the right, you'll enter the hallway full of classrooms.

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the narrow hallway. it's not as intimidating as it looks.

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this is what our classrooms look like.

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this is the view that i get from my "Yale" classroom. i really like looking out our window.

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and this is a nonsensical car that i saw outside of a McDonald's. i don't even wanna know who drives that shameless crap. you could tell i took a really poor picture cause i didn't want people seeing me showing a lot of interest.

unfortunately, i can't seem to take pictures of anyone's faces. people always turn away or i feel stupid for asking them to take a picture. i guess this is why i never had a digital camera in the first place.

i had a chance to speak with our all-star teacher, Joseph (or Joe), on the bus today. he's been living in Korea for 7 years (was it?) and even has a Korean girlfriend that he's been dating for three years now! he just teaches and takes some time to tour with his band. it was really encouraging to meet someone so passionate about teaching. i could totally relate to everything he was talking about when it came to improving teaching styles and figuring out students. he's just a very optimistic guy who loves music and Korean culture even though he's a white guy. the only problem is--he's not a christian.

whenever i talk to nonchristians and i hear them talk about what makes them happy in life, i cannot help but think VANITY! their purpose in life is flawed. they are deceived and always seek more. i've gone on mission trips, participated in outreach, and even took a Perspectives course. but why is it that i lack boldness with the "relationship ministries?" why am i so self-conscious when i pray in front of my co-workers or relatives? everyday in the states, i used to ask God to give me at least one person that i can evangelize to. well, he's given me more than enough in Korea and now i'm chickening out. if you've ever listened to dc Talk's "What If I Stumble", you'll know that i totally feel that song these days. would God use me like He used Moses.

Thought of the Day: 1209
Song of the Day: Davi-Romance

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