June 15, 2005

i finished my last final just now. i am officially finished with my junior year of college. i am moving out of my apt this saturday into my new apt in buena park. my brother's been staying with me for the past 2 weeks now. my mom and dad are coming down in another 2 weeks. i haven't seen my dad in 2 years. everything is so surreal right now.

junior year memories...

-foo fighters/stp
-taking eugene to the hospital after pulling an all-nighter and taking the final.
-helping john yi move into his dorm
-watching family guy while eating lunch with chris
-running at night with chris
-shooting hours of pool with roommate
-Full House
-the last officers' meeting
-p. dennis/aaron chung leaving cpc
-watching hours of tv with dinko
-seeing zen 4 times a week
-haircuts from edu
-Episode 3
-when dago got his stupid mustang
-when john yi got his stupid rx-7
-singing praise with charismatic white people at bonfire
-billy graham
-"i'm not going to vegas!"
-swtpinkstar & eddo30
-freshmen retreat
-"secret disneyland"
-apt. searching
-pingpong with kenny g
-hold'em with just chris and eugene kang every single night
-ball with eugene kang
-noraebang phase
-ddr phase
-up north trip!
-the worst dinner ever
-news that family was moving down
-new students
-ear infection
-chillin' in riverside

i'm famished.

Thought of the Day: Moynihan.
Song of the day: STP-Plush