December 6, 2004

well, it's finals week again. one final tomorrow and three on thursday. i'm usually the diligent type when it comes to studying. i'll get all my stuff done when i have to and make myself study at school when necessary. BUT! when it comes to finals week, i'm a totally different person. it's like transforming from Hyde to Dr. Jekyll. i like to use finals week as a time to catch up on anime and movies or blog a lil more than i usually do. on top of that, i like to distract others who are trying to concentrate with their stressful studies. i'll do whatever it takes to get the job done. studying is always a last resort. explanation? i don't have one either.

so far today...

1. finished Samurai Champloo.
2. started Bleach.
3. grocery shopping.
4. finished wrapping x-mas gifts.
5. convinced the other eugene to watch Interview With A Vampire with me in 30 min.

anthropology can definitely wait.

Thought of the Day: Shameful.
Song of the Day: Celine Dion-O Holy Night