December 24, 2004

me: it's so boring w/o simon home.
mom: then you can spend time with mom!

i feel like i learned so much about my mom yesterday. we actually did get to spend a lot of time together. haha. whenever i sit down and talk with my mom, she always likes to give me "christian advice." i really like that about my mom. even though it's stuff that i already know, just the fact that she chooses to give me "christian advice" really encourages me. my mom is seriously the godliest ahjumah i know. she seriously can't stop talking about church and how good God has been to her even through the hardships in our family. we talked about alotta things today. in fact, i finally had the guts to ask her if she was reformed or not. of course i didn't ask her, "mom, are you reformed or what?" i mean, i don't even know how to say "reformed" in korean! anyways, we talked about calvinism and stuff and basically she was telling me how she found comfort in the fact that her own son shared in the same doctrine as she did. i think iii found more comfort in that than she did. =D

but the craziest thing i learned about my mom was that she is in better physical shape than me! you see, my mom is an exercise-aholic. she used to work out so much that sometimes my dad would get mad at her. there'd be times where she'd go to the gym twice in one day! i think she really likes that endorphin feeling or something. but anyways, after our lil talk she really wanted me to go walking/jogging with her on this one trail up in Hillcrest. i know she wanted me to join her real bad so i agreed to go. haha man...she was crazy happy, jumping off the walls like a lil girl.

so we're like speed walking for a few minutes and she asks me if i could speed up (i guess i was holding her back or something). then she asks me if i wanna start jogging, so we jogged for about a mile and i was dying. the whole time, i kept telling myself that mom CANNOT pass me up. not only am i her son, but i'm also supposed to be youthful and energetic. whenever i looked back, she was RIGHT behind me! haha she looked so funny with her huge orange sweater and her quick little feet. so cute. but what killed me was on the way back. she was crazy power walking up these steep hills! i literally could not keep up with her. in fact, i had to ask her if we could just take it easy. (shaking head) humbled by my 49 year old mom.

a random thought crossed my mind today. i think after my mom passes away, these will be the memories that i will remember of her. yesterday, i was so miserable cause i was bored out of my mind with my brother on his retreat. but today, i thank God for giving me the time i spent with mom.

Thought of the Day: Merry X-mas Eve!
Song of the Day: Vanilla Ice-Ice Ice Baby