December 22, 2004

i've caught the bug...

Ten Random Things About Me:
10. For my kindergarten graduation, i was the only student eating the food while all the kids were playing with each other.
9. I was insanely in love with dinosaurs during my childhood.
8. I used to think that the word, "fob," was slang for "gangster."
7. The first "real" song i ever liked was Green Day's "Basket Case" in 4th grade.
6. Growing up I used to be really insecure about having an abnormally large butt.
5. I stopped believing in Santa after my dad wrote "From Santa Clausause" on one of my gifts.
4. I used to hate whoppers b/c i thought they had too many vegetables.
3. The meanest thing I've ever done in my life was beat up my brother for cussing at me and forcing him to do the Bloody Mary thing until she came out.
2. I have this recurring nightmare where I'm moving really fast while lying down on railroad tracks, and some scary evil monster is laughing and coming after this angelic princess who's crying.
1. When I was 10, i used to think that i was really mature for my age b/c i wasn't disgusted by the kissing in tv/movies.

Nine Places I've Visited:
9. Oh~Pilseung Korea!
8. Tahoe.
7. Reno.
6. Vegas, Baby, Vegas!
5. Grand Canyon.
4. Mexico.
3. NYC.
2. Cornell.
1. Paraguay.

Eight Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
8. Be able to pray in korean.
7. Watch and read all of the classics i never made time for.
6. Play Canon perfectly.
5. Go to the symphony with my dad.
4. See at least one of my non-christian friends accept Christ.
3. Have a six-pack (don't laugh!).
2. Wear a 40's gangster suit.
1. See my family with absoulutely no financial burden.

Seven Ways To Win My Heart:
6. Shoot pool really well.
5. Teachable.
4. Fluent.
3. Classical Piano.
2. Make me laugh.
1. Love Christ more than me.

Six Things I Believe In:
6. There is nothing wrong with girls hinting at guys that they are interested in them.
4. 99% of women should not be allowed to drive.
3. The Cave of Godly Women.
2. Christ is the answer to every single movie.
1. My mom is better than your mom.

Five Things I'm Afraid Of:
5. The thought of my brother dying before me.
4. Losing body parts.
3. Cockroaches.
2. Physical persecution (being burned, buried, eaten alive).
1. The idea of rape. The only people who deserved to be raped are those who rape others.

Four Songs On My Mind:
4. Foo Fighters-All My Life.
3. Modest Mouse-The Ocean Breathes Salty.
2. Modest Mouse-The World At Large.
1. As One-Last Christmas.

Three Things I Touch Everyday:
3. Cell Phone.
2. Bible.
1. Glasses.

Two Things I Am Trying Not To Do Right Now:
2. Go pee.
1. Lust.

One Person I Want To See Right Now:
1. Foo Fighters Concert dv...i mean dinko.

Thought of the Day: Sinners leading sinners.
Song of the Day: As One-Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree Alternative Mix