March 20, 2004

i finally found out that why my car was reeking of gasoline. remember my pleasant experience with my car running out of gas during thanksgiving break? well, a months after that, i decided to keep an emergency tank of gas in my trunk cause you know...just in case! unfortunately, what was supposed to be tightly sealed container happened to conveniently open up just enough to maliciously contaminate my whole trunk. i tried "shampooing" my trunk last night and i think it's getting a little better. chris said it would take about a week for the brain-killing odor to become no more. i don't know, i think i either lost or retarded my sense of smell. the drive up north is going to be an unhealthy one.

kevin's been over at our place this whole week. we've been playing lots of hold'em in my room every single night. i also started downloading the World Series of Poker 2003 and been watching those. man, just watching those guys is SO intense! i find it so interesting how all of the players have such different backgrounds. you got your cowboy accents, the cocky vietnamise smiles, sunglasses in various shapes and sizes, and of course, kids who have barely finished college all the way to geezers who look lost half the time. i'm so glad i learned how to play hold'em this year.

finals has arrived once again. you know what that means...MARATHON IN IRVINE!!! i'm almost done with the movie downloads so all i need is the company and click goes the Play button. haha i can already hear LA cussing.

Thought of the Day: ALL IN!
Song of the Day: M-flo & Boa-Love Bug Big Bug NYC Mix

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