December 11, 2003

i got much better since i last wrote. that nyquil stuff worked like a charm. (note to self: get cherry flavor next time). i still feel like i have a cough stuck in my throat but otherwise i'm perfecty back to normal. praise God.

well, i'm practically done with finals. i took my film studies final on monday and took my calculus one yesterday. i was seriously hating the film studies one. i was blanking out like no other and i've never BSed so hard on a test before. haha, it's funny now that i think about it. i can already see the perplexed look on my TA's face when he reads my answers, trying to make sense of my jibberish, and mercifully giving me partial credit for attempting to write something. i messed up pretty hard on the calculus final too. certain problems just weren't making any sense...which will mean that many of my answers won't be doing me much good either. but admist all the playing that i did this week, i did squeeze in some crucial hours of studying. i am glad that i am finished with math 2a. i am even more glad that i am finished with film studies 85a. i have my korean final in less than six hours. that freakin' boba has caused me an uncommon insomnia. so what better thing to do at night than blog?

i gave my students their x-mas gift today. Yu-gi-oh gameboy game...

jordan: can i open it?
me: no! you have to wait til x-mas.
jordan: c'mon, please?
me: no. if you open it, i'm going to take it back home.
jordan: fine, i'm going to take my gift back too then.
me: fine.
jordan: nooooo, c'mon!!!
me: ahahahahhahah.

me: dillon, i have something to tell you.
dillon: what?
me: they ran out of yu-gi-oh and pokemon. so i had to get you a Barbie game.
dillon: WHAT?!
me: i'm sorry. but i tried playing it and it's really fun!
dillon: NOOOO! return it!
me: i can't.
dillon: yes you can!
me: i can't. just try playing it. just TRY it!
dillon: what's it called?
me: Barbie's Playhouse.
dillon: WHY DID YOU GET IT?!
me: my friend told me it was good. just try it!
dillon: you should have just waited.
me: she told me it was really good!
dillon: SHE?! it's a GIRL!
me: lol. just try it!
dillon: return it!
me: i can't.
dillon: that's not my problem. buy another one!
me: (brat!).

i love messing with kids. they're so gullible. but it was nice receiving gifts from them too. jordan gave me a pen and pencil thing and dillon gave me this lighthouse container thing? haha. it was so funny cause he was taking it out of the box as he was giving it to me, explaining that his gift was about $4. well, at least i got something right?

i got eddie the Calvin & Hobbes 10th Anniversary for x-mas. he is the first person that i know who never grew up reading Calvin & Hobbes. words cannot express the deprivation i stamped on him. but anyways, i thought it'd be an appropriate gift for him b/c in many ways, calvin reminds me of eddie. the funny temper, the childlike personality, and of course the overall physical appearance. as i was reading some of the pages, i realized that i really did not appreciate Bill Watterson as a young child. i think at the time, i was more interested in the funny faces that calvin made and the occasional colored pages that would randomly pop up. man, Bill Watterson is THE MAN! this guy really knows how to make people laugh and feel happy. i think Calvin & Hobbes is such a great comic b/c everyone (and i mean EVERYONE) can relate to him in so many ways. i can seriously sit down and read Calvin & Hobbes all day long.

lately, i've been feeling pretty dry in my spiritual life. lack of desire to read and pray, church is feeling like a chore, and no one's REALLY encouraging me. man, i think that's when you're not doing well spiritually...when you don't really feel like going to church. if your walk with God was awesome, going to church should be something you really look forward to! that's like the one place where it's purposely a place of worship. don't get me wrong, every aspect of our lives ought to be worship but you know what i mean. church is like "THE place," right? i have no desire to encourage others either. i'm just straight up DRY. i must cry out to God. it is when it is the hardest to read/pray, that we must do it the most. i'm so dry.

Thought of the Day: "Here's looking at you, kid."
Song of the Day: The Wiseguys-Start The Commotion

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