December 17, 2003

Dear Santa,

There are many things that i want for Christmas this year:

1. I want a Pulp Fiction poster that i can hang up on my wall next to my Rap Gods or Swingers poster.
2. I want the Pulp Fiction Collector's Edition dvd since i had to return it back to Target along with my brother's windbreakers that really were EXTRA large.
3. I've grown a strong love for Calvin & Hobbes this Christmas so i want the whole collection now.
4. i also want either the S300 or S307 Samsung phone, preferably the S300 since it's slightly smaller.
5. Finally, i want the Nautica Competition cologne that i got for my brother's graduation gift.

now, i understand that this sounds like alot but i think these material things are much more reasonable than getting me Keira Knightly...although i am still crossing my fingers. I'm still a little pissed that you didn't give me my Sega Genesis or Turbo Graphics 16 when i was 8 years old but i am willing to forgive you if i receive any two of the above. i know i haven't written to you in 10 years and making you cookies was just out of the question...but i promise that i've believed in you all these years. i know that i never show it around my friends or family but i've always had hope on those Christmas mornings. my apt does not have a chimney so just ring the doorbell when you arrive at my place. don't worry, i stay up pretty late now that i'm in college so i'll be waiting.

Your Most Obedient Kid Out There,


i watched Elf at chang's place last night. i think it's so true how every year, more and more kids stop believing in Santa Clause...

me: so do you beleive in Santa Clause?
jordan: NO!
me: why not?
jordan: Santa Clause isn't real. that's stupid.
me: you never got any presents from him?
jordan: no.
me: it's probably cause you never believed in him.
jordan: no! Santa Clause isn't real!

see what i mean? it's just like Elf with the whole x-mas spirit thing getting lower and lower. but i think it's kind of good that kids aren't believing in that fat red bastard anymore. i remember i use to straight up pray to Santa and ask him for EVERYTHING with such a covetous heart. you know, it's really sad how media can really influence the mind of a kid. i strongly believed that if you wanted something SO bad, then you could have it! how many times have we heard that before, right? i was practically replacing God with Santa during x-mas time. the meaning of Christ's birth was just out the window! presents are all good but we gotta remind each other (yes, even in college students) what x-mas is all about...God's greatest gift to us, Christ.

man, i was SO angry last night.

Thought of the Day: Slow Comfort.
Song of the Day: Mase, Snoop, Salt-N-Pepa, Onyx-Santa Baby

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