September 6, 2003

what a tough day at work today...emotionally that is. i only got 3 1/2 hours of sleep last night b/c of last night's health hazardous meal at molca salsa (drool). oh the pleasure of food coma slumbler. haha. but today was sign-up day for all the kids for the fall season. crowds of parents trying to give you their checks and student after student asking what room they belong in. soooooo many DT's to give out and way too many phone calls for us to handle. it's the worst when my boss is stressed or tired cause she kinda takes her emotions out on you. her expectations go like WAY UP HERE and her tolerance level is just as bad. so unfortunately, we had this one lady who was complaining that her son wasn't supposed to take the SAT DT cause he was only in 9th grade, but the little crap told me he was a sophomore and even responded with, "yes. PSAT." after she calls, the dad calls. same complaint. i get yelled at. the lady actually comes back with another lady and they start complaining about how our academy is so retarded. freakin' korean people dude.

and finally, i had to pay for lunch today. that's $30 for three people. man, i should've just been patient and eaten at home. how discouraging. i calculated how money i would make for coming down early to work a few days. profit = $10. dude, after today that's just disheartening.

let's write a little more happy...

so i've continued reading The Purpose Driven Life and i'm actually starting to enjoy it a little more. i can't say i totally agree with everything, but i'm picking out some good things from the book. i guess that's just what you have to do with any book that you read. no matter what it is, you just gotta be wise and take good things out of it. along with this book, i'm almost done reading the Bible! if i really push myself, i can even finish it before school starts! it's kinda sad that i'm finally going to finish reading the Bible for the first time in my second year of college. 19 1/2 years to read a book. (shaking head). BUT better now than never right?

and this just in....

aaron can hook us up with a rice cooker and a tv.
basic cable is only $6 more every month along with our internet.
i'm all encouraged and comforted now.
i'm a simple man with simple pleasures.

the sibling knows me well...

AsianXboi56 (4:58:00 PM): i KNOW why your coming on monday
AsianXboi56 (4:58:02 PM): you wanna go to cpc
AsianXboi56 (4:58:03 PM): haha
Pretzelboi96 (4:58:36 PM): bingo

Thought of the Day: To camp or not to camp.
Song of the Day: Beach Boys-California Girls

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