September 27, 2003

me: so dillon, can i see your diary?
dillon: no.
me: why not?
dillon: because i didn't write in it.
me: why not?
dillon: because i write in it when i want to write in it.
me: can you start writing in it everyday?
dillon: no.
me: why not?
dillon: because i write in it when i want to write in it.

me: do you like it when i teach you?
dillon: no.
me: so dillon, how can i improve?
dillon: i don't know.
me: is it boring?
dillon: only when you talk.

me: ok we have 5 min. left. wanna see a magic trick?
dillon: no.
me: oh. is it no fun?
dillon: yeah.
me: ok, do you want to show me a magic trick?
dillon: no.
me: ok. go get your brother. it's his turn.

a sharp contrast...

me: ok so what was this paragraph talking about?
jordan: it's talking about the MAMMOTH and the TUSK! after they break the tusk, they use it as a weapon and go RAAAAAAAHHHHH!
me: ahahhahahahah.

jordan: "sousands" of years...
me: no jordan. it's TH-ousands. say it with a TH. not a S.
jordan: SOUNSANDS!
me: no!
me: ahahhahahaha.

mother: so how was the teacher today?
jordan: FABULOUS!
mother: aigo!
me: ahahahahhahaha.

i need to beat the bad attitude out of the younger one. the older one's good. =D

Thought of the Day: DERELICTE!
Song of the Day: As One-Day By Day Pop Mix

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