August 26, 2003

we were chilling at dennis' place and everyone was getting ready for retreat. for some reason, i wasn't packing up or anything so i just chilled in one of the rooms by myself. then i heard dennis call everyone onto the bus but i told him that i wasn't ready.

me: do you think you can just wait a few minutes?
dennis: no sorry. we gotta go right now. you should have been ready.
me: oh! what if i drove up later? do you think you can give me directions?
dennis: why don't you come up with eugene? i think he's coming up later tonight.
me: ok.
(bus drives away with everyone having fun conversations and playing games).

what a sad dream.

everytime i tell people that i took out my wisdom teeth, they always ask me if i look like a chipmunk. i didn't think my face was too bad but it got alot worse today. i don't think "chipmunk" does justice to my cheeks. POPEYE does a better job of depicting the left side of my face. when you look around my face, it's like normal, normal, normal, RETARDED! but i'm feeling alot better than before. to be honest, i don't even need to take vicodin cause i barely feel any pain. but hey, you gotta get your money's worth right? it still helps a little so i still take it every 6 hours. but for some reason, i don't experience that "really good feeling" from the drug. it's just slight pain relief and a nauseous and drowsy feeling on rare occasions. eh!

as i was eating my chicken porridge thing, i was reminded of sunday's sermon from pastor eugene. i remember how he said that a mature christian is a christian who depends on Christ. the more dependent, the more mature! i thought that was an awesome way of explaining christian maturity. you know, we always talk about so-and-so and how they're such a good christian. "oh this person knows SO much about the Bible!" "did you know that she's never said a cuss word in her life?" blah blah blah. we always hear these dumb things about different people and label them as "good"/mature christians. but like pastor eugene was saying, maturity is shown through dependence on Christ. CAN I GET AN AMEN?! the more you realize that you're a sinner and that HE is holy, that's when you're actually maturing aite?

these past few days have been so relaxing for me. i wake up around 10 and wait for simon to come home. then we just play. playing = chess, card tricks, and just lying on our beds talking about our stupid past. it's really nice. the weather is great up here too. it's like irvine but 10-20 degrees cooler. mama's cooking is always a plus and i don't have to worry about work. for once, i like being up north.

Thought of the Day: I should have taken more pictures in Manhattan and not Cornell.
Song of the Day: Hyori-10 Minutes

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