August 9, 2003

i suppose since my life was lacking excitement, God decided to add a little twist last night...

another day with jisun. i already checked off 6 Flags, The Getty, and Westwood off my list. the last three items were Hollywood, Citywalk, and 3rd St. i was actually planning on finishing the list yesterday and i got SO close too!

Hollywood was pretty cool. i got to see all those "concreted stars" on the sidewalks and visited the Grauman's Chinese Theatre with those hand/footprints of the special stars. i never knew they had stars for musicians and tv show actors too...i thought it was just strictly movie actors. but more than seeing the various stars and signatures, i found myself being more impressed with seeing the actual Hollywood letters on that ugly mountain. you know, you always see it on tv and in the movies, but to see it in real life was a "woah" moment for me...(staring off into space). there was one funny incident where we passed by the Guiness museum place and there was this magician looking guy who was doing the robot dance on this small platform. he had alotta makeup on to have a fake looking face so he looked pretty scary when he looked at you. anyways, there was this kid who was watching him but was really scared and wouldn't approcah the guy. jisun started getting scared too so we had to leave while i was being totally entertained...

jisun: (really loud). let's go! the guy's scaring me too!

(on the way back passing the same guy).

me: hey look, he's still dancing!
(guy looks at jisun and starts coming after her on purpose).
me: ahahahhaahhahahah.

gosh, i can't help but think that i would've done the same if i were him. haha. what a nice fella.

so odyssey #2 was Citywalk in Universal Studios. i was supposed to go there a while ago with chang but it just never happened. man, that place is pretty fun. it's like an interesting version of The Block with cooler stores. we watched American Wedding and ate at Bucco di Beppo. fiiig, they hook you up! i seriously feel like i eat like a girl these days. i get so full so easily it makes me sad. even tiny little jisun ate more than me! anyways, the place was full of random naked pictures EVERYWHERE! did you know that they have over 2000 pictures in that restaurant? crazy i say. dinner was good.

and finally, we decide to kill our third bird with one stone at Santa Monica. *sigh* there was alotta traffic on the way and i remember exactly what we were talking about when my car stalled. as she was telling me about how she meant CCM friends instead of CPC friends, my car started grumbling some unhappy noises at me. my gears were shaking and the more i accelerated, the lower my tacometer decreased. as soon as i exited and stopped at the signal, my car fell asleep. F!!! luckily, there was a 76 gas station on the corner so i got a guy to help me push the car.

an hour later, billy and chris came to the rescue and added some coolant to my car. amazingly, my car started up so chris took jisun home, and billy and i attempted to make it back to irvine from la. CURSED 10 E TRAFFIC! but as soon as we got to Fullerton area, my car wasn't satisfied with the coolant we had offered so it decided to stop again. more pushing only this time, i got to hop into my car while my car was rolling fast down a hill. exciting and scary stuff, especially when i barely passed the signal and actually made it into Del Taco. ironically, we ended up parking next to billy's church, which (even more ironically) is next to a stripclub. haha. after more coolant, we thought we might be able to finish our trek only it stalled again after one block. more running, pushing, and difficult steering. we park it at another 76 gas station and leave it there for the night. you have to understand that i was FREAKIN' tired while all this was happening. all that walking, sightseeing, and driving around in Hollywood and Citywalk. and to go through all this car trouble b/w the hours of 11 and 1. i just wanted to sleep my problems away.

yesterday was a HOT day.

this morning, i went back to Fullerton with chris around 8 and got the car checked up around 8:40. a hole in the radiator operating tube and problems with the misfiring something something transmission something something. $117+ tax. so here i am back at home until the guy calls us to pick it up. it's time like this where i wonder how Job still could have praised God when He put him through so much misery. i have a few minor problems with my car that'll only cost me $125. Job lost property, family, and a healthy body. how is it that "Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing." (Job 1:22). awe.

i want a new car. i'm such a sinner.

Thought of the Day: Back to where i started.
Song of the Day: Contours-Do You Love Me?

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