February 26, 2003

just as i predicted, i missed my psych. lecture. you don't understand how i tired i was! even after i woke up after 11, i still felt like i could've gone for another 3 strong hours! anyways, i went to class and bought eugene's gift today: uci t-shirt, kettle corn, korean mix, and a card (the same card i was supposed to give to brian at the freshmen retreat...haha). but gosh, it is so true that you can't function on an empty stomach. during my writing class, i didn't say a single word in class unless the teacher called on me. i usually raise my hand and say stuff in class (yeah, i surprise myself too!) but today was just a silent and confused phil. during clusters, i didn't say anything either and the stuff i shared with simon and andrew just came out as jibberish. *stomach grumbles* i was one hungry guy.

so during clusters, milky (aka jane ahn) pays us a visit from riverside b/c all of the irvine girls went to a Steven Curtis Stupid Chapman Concert. i don't know, i think the guy's talented but he's definitely overrated. anyways today, i got a chance to hear milky say more than just "hi phil." milky is a VERY cool person. if i were to choose someone to be my older sister, it would have to be someone like her. she's really really nice, she opens her eyes really wide, and smiles 90% of the time. but what i find most interesting about her is the way she talks. she doesn't have a totally different style of talking (mariela) but has a funny habit of stressing certain words. i can't explain it. she also has the funniest reactions and things to say...

(everyone talking about the hostility b/w US and korea).
milky: hey, let's talk about something happy yeah?
me: ahahahahahha.

she's one of the few good things that come out of riverside.

another night of soon doobu. man, i think i've been eating this stuff every week for about a month now! it's kinda like my old pho days. well actually, pho is a different story. i used to eat that garbage with so much love and praise every time. but that isn't the case with soon doobu. it's pretty good and all and i tend to crave it more often than not. but after tonight, i realized that i'm getting a little cooler with old phil. today, i asked him about his work and he explained all this boring stuff to me. ok, bad example. haha. i don't know, i find myself becoming more and more comfortable around him...talking about God and *sigh* the Angels. that guy ALWAYS has something to say to me...

phil: hey, your hair looks a little red these days.
me: get your eyes checked old man.
phil: just admit it, you're starting to give in!
me: ahahahahaha. phil! just leave me alone!

(funny memory).

milky: why do people smoke anyways?
sean: because! it's so cool! KO-REA-TOWN!
everyone: ahahahahahahaha.

lately, i haven't been going on aim as much as i used to. before, i used to turn my computer on as soon as i woke up and turned it off right before i went to bed. and during that whole time my computer was on, i was on aim! i've come to realize that aim wastes alotta time and i obviously have many moments where i don't feel like talking to anyone. hence, my absence in your buddy list. today, i also realized that i have many people who i don't really talk to. since i didn't like the number of buddies i had, i decided to take off alotta unworthy screennames, making my buddly list under 100 buddies. when i hear of buddylists that are over 200 screennames, i just close my eyes and shake my head. i mean, i know what the excuse is..."i keep that screenname JUST IN CASE!" right? that may be true but still. i think a good rule is: if you haven't talked to the person in over a month, that person comes off! one month. that's fair.

Thought of the Day: I think i'm in denial.
Song of the Day: Moby-James Bond Remix

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