January 31, 2003

so lately, there's been some protesting against declaring war on Iraq. everytime i walk on ringroad and look at the group, i never see any asian people.

minh: naw, asian people are cool. they'd only protest if like a rockgroup broke up or something.
me: ahahahahahaha. a rockgroup?
minh: yeah! or something!

today, i saw my writing teacher in the protesting group. as one of the students mentioned in class, i was too embarrased to say hi to him. haha. they're just out there doing such a shameless act in front of the whole school! and so i did what everyone else did...i just walked past him.

however, today's writing class was surprisingly really good! (no thoughts of throwing GAK today. haha). we analzyed a poem in class and it was really fun with our teacher b/c that fool absolutely LOVES literature! he was like quoting all this poetry to the class and was like, "man, this stuff's deep!" and the class was like dead silent. lol. but we had a really good time with this one poem that was ambiguous like no other! well, i now have an ISHload of hw for this weekend, but at least today's class was cool.

tonight, i joined my first 9 ball tournament at Zot Zone. man, i had fun though cause i felt like i shot fairly well. the first guy i played, i was super duper nervous. butterflies in my stomach like nothing else! but dang, that 4-0 win really encouraged me. hehe. however, the second guy i played really sucked and made a buncha crap. i lost 3-4! a very disappointing loss. then i played this one guy who had the craziest english! i thought he was really skilled though. it's just that he kept choking on the 9 ball. 5-2. and finally, i play freakin' hideo and i lost 3-4. tournament's fun though! $4 for like 3 hours of pool. the only negative is that i couldn't eat dinner b/c i had to go straight to pool right after class. bunz and i learned alot tonight. it was a humbling yet fun experience. pool booya!

after pool, we played some blackjack but minh introduced us to a new game, the vietnamise animal dice game! dang, that crap is sooooo fun! you put money on an animal and the house rolls 3 dice. if your animal comes up, you win however much you put in. if 2 of your animals come up, you win double. 3 is triple. man, watching willburt play is sooooo funny! SHRIMP SHRIMP!!! YEAAAAAAAAAAH! ahhahahahaha. and if he loses, you hear a loud F-word. lol. you lose money but it's such an emotional rush. it's either yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhh or awwwwwwwwwww! and then laughter. haha.

dude, why is it that every girl loves watching American Idol? why is it that everyone is doing that army thing on their profile? why is the sky blue? why does kangta sing so well? why am i awake at this hour?!

Thought of the Day: Minh: "she chose me!"
Song of the Day: DJ Skyhye-Track 02

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