January 10, 2003

my writing class is really tough. everyone i know so far does not like the class b/c it's just soooooo much work! so i have this class on tuesday's and thursday's and yesterday was thursday. i was totally stressed out after class b/c i had so much work to do from my other classes too, especially Sociology. Sociology is really early in the morning, really boring in the morning, and has a discussion starting next week in the morning. it's also alotta work, freakin' 2 books that are, you know...boring! solution? drop that mother! so now, i'm going back to my psych. class which works out perfectly! i get to use the same book, i don't have to go to discussion, and the lectures are posted up online! genie told me that i wouldn't be too far behind at all either. the only negative is that the class is at 8:00am!!! that's like freakin' high school! but i guess that's just how much i hate Sociology. i couldn't believe how happy i was after i dropped that class. yeahyeah, i know. this is boring material. but that's ok, i write for my own memories.

but speaking of memories, i just remembered something that's been on my mind for a while. there are ALOT of xanga users out there! i now feel that blogs are the minority b/c almost no one's heard of it! xanga this and xanga that. i mean, i guess it does look a bit cooler b/c of that profile thing with the picture and the calander. but i can't forget chang's argument about xangas. something about how you can't be a conformist. haha. just b/c everyone chooses one thing doesn't mean you should too b/c you'll just keep changing. i guess he's right. i invested too much into this blog anyways.

CJ came to irvine last night! we began his visit with a trip to Albertson's and drive-thru at Del Taco. after all the introductions to everyone, cj, minh, and i played blackjack for a long time. gosh, it was really fun b/c there were some pretty high bets with our petty laundry money. i can't believe minh's piggy bank had soooooo much money! it just wouldn't go empty....until around 3:30! haha. so many middle fingers from minh CAT do. vietnamise blackjack is the way to go! (connie richards, that unintentionally rhymes!).

just a few days ago...

me: minh do! wake up! you have class in an hour.
minh: mmmmm?! what? hello?
me & kiyoshi: ahahahhahahahah.

just this morning...

me: minh! wake up! it's almost 12:30. you're gonna be late for you class.
minh: mmmmmmmm...F it.
me & kiyoshi: ahahahahahhha.

Thought of the Day: Always be wise. Don't be stupid!
Song of the Day: Green Day-Time Of Your Life

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