November 23, 2002

man, my so called brain is just overwhelmed with thoughts. "write about that! no, don't write about that! that'd be funny. nono, that'll be inappropriate!" let's see where my thoughts take us...

you know, alotta people have been commenting about my blogs, about how college life sounds really fun and just chill. in many ways, YES! college life is seriously so much fun. lots of good times. but what you readers are forgetting is that there is always a flipside in all these things. there is much pain and suffering in my life as well. ok, that came out a bit strong...not THAT bad! haha. but my life does have its downs. lots of downs actually. a good example is my spiritual life.

i go to a pretty strong church with lots of good theology and fellowship. it's a really great place to grow in your walk with God i believe. however, just b/c you got the right tools does not mean that you are going to build the prettiest doghouse. in fact, i think my doghouse looks like ISH! it's freakin' garbage. so much hypocrisy. lots of inconsistency. no commitment you know? it wasn't until today that i finally got another good slap in the face from God. i was totally lacking discipline and i had become quite spoiled. i fell. i could not get back up. but today, i cried out to God again. it had been a while. haven't had a serious prayer in God knows how long! man, Hebrews 12 is seriously the most encouraging stuff out there. even though we fall away, God will always bring his true sons back. man, that's grace. that's mercy. that's dope. fudge.

man, you REALLY grow up in college. when i read the blogs of high school students, they seem so young and immature. i'm sure i've already talked about this but it once again just hit me on the head pretty hard. i feel so much older these days. last night, i went to go watch Die Another Day and minh brought some of his friends who were still in high school. they're so different. so naive. so ignorant. but that's life i guess. there's always someone who's older than you. afterall, i'm just a dumb inexperienced freshmen myself right? i have yet to be done with this college crap.

cj: dude, jomo won't put me on the BCS ranking! it's so gay! but he said he said that you're pretty close from getting kicked off.
me: yeah. i don't really care though. it's stupid.
cj: yeah. who cares.

notice how cj and i are totally different but we still click quite well. i was on the BCS ranking. he was not. but in the end, we were totally indifferent about it. i guess you can call this a response to his blog: One Voice-Thru It All. dl this song homo. i've been listening to this crap for the past 2 hours now. it's dedicated to your gay self. (and yes, Buff Homo is even buffer than ever!).

man, i am sooooooo chillaxin' right now. it's great. the perfect word. chillin' + relax = chillaxin'

Thought of the Day: No more drinking.
Song of the Day: One Voice-Thru It All.

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