September 15, 2002

i'm in la again but this time with chang and dykas. last night, we went to go see Chang's old roommate, Michael. he had some of his Westminster friends over so we all had some interesting conversations. gosh, those guys are seriously hardcore. these "theological freaks" really talk about some complicated issues with so much sarcasm and wit. it was really funny though, listening to them talk about how "fun" pera-churches are, the "jundo system," and the anonymous pastor who never reads his books. lol. gosh, chang really belongs at seminary. i mean, he would totally be the most popular guy there. lol. yeah, he'd fit in fine.

i also went to John MacArthur's church today. it was a good experience. the worship was very different but in many ways very good. i know the sermon was pretty good but i was falling asleep throughout the whole thing. dang, so disappointed in myself.

and yeah, we've just been doing the usual. pool, eat, pc bang, eat, eat, and i did i forget to mention that we also eat?

Thought of the Day: "I long for Combat."
Song of the Day: Kim Kun Mo-Wrong To Meet

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