September 11, 2002

1 year from today was the 9/11 attack. i remember when i first heard the news last year. i was walking to school and my friend walks up to me and says, "hey, did you hear about the planes that crashed into the World's Trade Center Building?" my stupid and ignorant self responded with, "what's a World's Trade Center?" but after a few hours into the day, i slowly realized the seriousness of this event. our country, the strongest and richest country, was just attacked. many innocent lives died today. this event could lead to war. but after a few more hours, i was surprised to see myself not questioning God, but rather thinking to myself, "i know this stuff doesn't make any sense right now, but I know God has a reason for everything. and it will ultimately be for His glory."

today, alotta people are sad. today, alotta people are unhappy. but me? for some reason, i don't really get these bitter thoughts or feelings. i simply feel like it was a thing of the past. like, it was very unfortunate that many people had to die in Pearl Harbor. it was very unfortunate that over 6 million jews lost their lives during the Holocaust. but you know, it's already happened and there's nothing we can do about it. so i guess, i've learned to "move on." but at the same time, i know this would be a "different" day if i knew someone who died on 9/11. so i guess, i just lacky empathy. i can't relate. but yeah, it was a very unfortunate event. and yes, i must agree with Justin. "what a bastard!!!"

i just recently started the book of Job. surprisingly, i have never read this book before in my life. i only heard sermons on it. but so far, i like it alot. it still blows my mind how there was actually a man who was as faithful as Job. this guy lost his riches, servants, and family. he even got a whole bunch of sores all over his body. but through it all, he STILL praised God! gosh, how amazing is that! i remember when my computer wasn't working, i was thinking to myself, "ok, i know through all my circumstances that i am to always praise God! but GOD, HOW CAN I PRAISE YOU RIGHT NOW?! it's like impossible man! my computer isn't working!" job really was an amazing man of God. that guy is hecka dope.

BS is back!!!
Dykas might get a dorm!!!

Thought of the Day: Thank you God for blessing me so much.
Song of the Day: DDR-Operator

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