July 28, 2002

on friday, i watched Austin Powers 3 with dykas. it's been a while since i cracked up that hard. i think this one had to be the funniest one out of the trilogy. it's weird when you compare the first one and the third one though. the humor is REALLY different. i mean, they're both funny but they're both different kinds of funny you know? anyways, i liked it. picky mother trucking phil liked it. OK TERRANCE?! i also went shopping at hillsdale for my cousins' gifts. i got 3 bath and body gift set things for 40 bucks and 2 Tommy Hilfiger shirts for 25 bucks. i brought 120 to spend but came out of the mall only spending about 70. praise God!

ok, it is REALLY hot in korea right now. you know how it's usually hotter inside your car on hot days? well in korea, it's the opposite. all the humidity is outside so it's usually cooler inside the car. it's weird. man, right now it's 10:18pm sunday night, which means it's 6:18am sunday morning for the people in US. praise God for a safe trip here. however, it wasn't the most pleasant ride. i had these 4 chinese people sit behind me and this one kid was kicking my chair the whole time. if he wasn't kicking, he was hitting the tray. if he wasn't hitting the tray, he was back at kicking. i was really annoyed but i didn't have the cajunas to ask him to stop. i'm such a weener. i tried to stay up on friday night so that i'd be knocked out on the plane and not have to dread the 11 hour ride. unfortunately, my weak sauce body fell asleep at 4am and woke up to a miserable 9am. this caused my body to be tired enough to want to sleep, but not tired enough to FALL asleep. but it was pretty cool getting off the plane and seeing my school friends at the airport. Pat, BS, and Ted were picking up Dykas and byung's little brother. they all said hi and stuff and my dad found me.

dad: you look a bit skinnier but simon obviously got fat!

man, it's pretty cool coming back to korea again. i almost forgot about all the retarded store names.

simon: hey phil! look. it says Buy The Way! ahahahahahahahah.

i even got a warm welcome from one of dad's friends. he especially likes simon. however, you know how korean people tend to be a little "too touchy?" gosh, that guy was straight up rubbing my face and patting my butt a few times too many. i'm serious dude. if he was in the US, they'd put him away for good! but yeah, he's nice. "too nice" most of the time.

dinner was awesome. we had galbee for only like 10 bucks! but the special thing is that this crap is quality! the kimchee here is incredibly excellent. they even give you watermelons for desert! and boy were those suckers juicy! i enjoyed my meal very much. sidenote: Californians should not take for granted the fact that smoking in restaurants is illegal. over here, they puff away like it's part of the meal! man oh man, it's hot!!!! i already know i'm going to enjoy the next 3 weeks. woohoo!

oh, another thing. can i just say that korea has the coolest cell phones?! everyone has these really neat ringtones that sound like they're coming from a tv! they would seriously laugh at the garbage we use in the US!

shoutout goes to the Girl in Red: thanks for the 5 dollars. it's the small things that makes us happy. 5 bucks is small. 10 bucks is small. even 20 bucks is small ok? oh, what's that one chinese girl character thing called again? =D

welcome back missions people!

Thought of the Day: It's FREAKIN' hot in here! So take off all your clothes!
Song of the Day: Fly To the Sky-Sea Of Love

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