May 7, 2002

another taco bell adventure...

(on the way to taco bell listening to Swi-T)
me: dude, this group sucks!
pat: yeah, i know.
me: then why'd you buy it?
pat: dude, i gotta support YG FAMILY dawg!
me: ahahahahaha. you're so stupid.
pat: they need my support alright? what if they go broke?
me: ahahahahahah.

me: can i get a small drink?
pat: can i get a water? (gets a small cup and starts filling it up with my soda).
me: omg! you're so cheap!
pat: dude, shuttup.
me: man, you're sucha korean!
pat: yeahyeah! fa sho! KP dawg!
me: ahahahahahahaha.

The End.

today, i just got an email from irvine saying that i didn't send in my State Legal Residence that was due by May 1. *sigh* i didn't even get a stupid form in my package! so now, i have to fill out this crap online and print out this thing that shows me the required documents that i need to send in. argh! now i have to go make copies of tax returns and bank statements and crap. this college stuff never ends. it's like a crazy dog that you're trying to hunt in the woods. once you think the coast is clear, the dog comes out of no where and takes a good bite at your groin. i'm screaming in pain...somebody shoot the dog quick!

ifang-man, that IS disturbing!
fruitcake-thanks for the clarification.
jomo-yes, food is ALWAYS the answer!
judy-now that i think about it, your template is almost as ugly as chang's!
thomas-davis. good choice.

Thought of the Day: Sloth. Yuck!
Song of the Day: 1Tym-Hello!

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