April 24, 2002

Good Fellas was pretty disappointing to me...not as bad as Casino but almost as bad. once again, those two Italians, Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci, came out in the film. i'm really starting to dislike Joe Pesci. why does he always have to come out as the angry, violent, and stubborn gangster who beats up all these people for stupid reasons? (kinda sounds like justin to me). he's got this big attitude problem and i was kinda happy about what happened to him in Casino in the end. what goes around, comes around right? anyways, in Good Fellas, we see that the characters have a big problem with handling money. they are never quite satisfied and once they have it, they kill a whole buncha people "just in case" you know? as i was driving home thinking about the movie, i realized that these people really needed Christ that much more! no matter how much money and respect they were getting, they were never quite satisfied. i mean, sure it'd be nice having stacks of 20's and 100's! i'm sure it'd make me pretty happy...hehe. HOWEVER, it's all temporary joy! there must be more! there must be Christ! brothers and sister in Christ, don't ever take your salvation for granted. so many people out there look for the true source of happiness. these people kill, steal, and lie just to see if certain things will make them truly happy. these people are desperate for what we already have. we know where our true joy comes from. we know where our ONLY true joy can come from. GOD. that's it.

ok, my movie list has gone down to 3 movies (i don't know, i'm kinda happy about this):
1. cast away.
2. devil's advocate.
3. little man tate.

terrance-you make me very unhappy. bad bad man.

Thought of the Day: dang, i really AM good at speed!
Song of the Day: No Doubt-Hella Good

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