March 25, 2002

to the idiot who won't mind her own business: "This week is going to be mad." just means that i'm going to have a hectic week...alotta school work, financial worries, and spring break planning ok?

i had a very pleasant day today:
my health presentation went swell! i read my notecards, threw in a few technical terms, and BSed all the answers to the class's questions. my teacher said she actually learned something and looked very pleased. *shrug*

as i was attempting to learn in calculus, my dance pictures arrived from the office. i looked at the sealed packet, looked around the classroom, looked at the packet again, and finally couldn't stand it! i just had to see how i turned out in the pictures b/c i remember having a very uncomfortable look when the camera went off. tiffanie...not bad. lauri...not bad. lois...ahahahhhahah sucker. gary...good. matt...ok. me...hey, i smiled!

finally, as i was walking to my locker during lunch, my smelly friend, grendel, approached me with $45 in her hand! score! another successful transaction! not only was i able to get rid of my SMtown cds...i got rid of them at a VERY nice price! gosh, how does she do it? muchas gracias mi amiga baja!

ok, research paper due wednesday. partner still not finished. endnotes still not finished. bibliography still not finished. argh! pat, you lazy crap!

a conversation that i heard about:

(some guy and girl talking and BS approaches them).
guy: um, this is an A and B conversation so C your way out.
BS: ok, D you guys later!

ahahahahahahahha, BS thinks he's so clever (sorry, you had to hear this yourself)!

jessica-it's about time!
justin-i'll pay you $35 tomorrow.
jomo-liar liar! pants on fire! j/k...i'm pretty sinful myself.
pastor dave-what strange friends you have in your life...introduce me dawg!
tiff-you're going to work for me someday! score!

Thought of the Day: Lilsr25: hey Happy birthday (foolish child).
Song of the Day: HOT-Full of Happiness

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