March 3, 2002

have you guys read in the old testament where it shows the sinfulness of Israel? well, during the summer, i was going through a period where i had alotta passion for theology and stuff you know? so i told myself that i was going to finish reading the Bible, Genesis to Revelations, in one month b/c that was when school was going to start again. unfortunately, i learned that passion alone will not get you also need alotta diligence and discipline. the Bible is one looooong book dawg! it doesn't seem so long b/c of the really thin pages, but yeah...there's over a thousand of them! anyways, i'm reading 2 Kings right now, which means that i've been reading about the depravity of God's people for a few months now. i get all pissed off when i see how the people of God sin like crazy, turn back to God, sin like crazy even more, and once again crawl back to God! then i remember how Israel is supposed to symbolize US! dude, it is sooooo true! we sin, go back to God, sin, go back to God, and so on. we always betray our faithful father. *sigh* once again, PRASE GOD! He's so loving, merciful, and full of grace! how is it that He was able to love the nation of Israel? how is it that He is able to love us? guys, God is so good. AMEN!

lois-pray! not just any prayer, but a genuine and humble one! i'll be praying for you.
tiff-i'm very encouraged to see how you're doing...please don't forget my request and i'll try not to forget yours.
justin-read Hebrews 12 and Jeremiah 29:11-13...yes, i'm praying for you too.
teachers, PJ, & frank-i am personally grateful for all of your efforts in our yg. i know some of you are thinking that you don't deserve any thanks/compliments, but really you guys are great (especially the girl in red =D).

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