February 20, 2002

Pretzelboi96: i feel like there's alot to say
Pretzelboi96: but i can't think of anything
snoozjuice: eh, don't worry...blogs are like taking craps
snoozjuice: it'll come
Pretzelboi96: ahahahhaha

couldn't have put it better myself.


me: hey, doesn't it rain the most in march?
char: hmmm, let's see. march showers....april showers. allan? is it march showers, april showers?
allan: what?
char: you know that saying! march showers, april showers!
allan: NO! it's march winds, april showers!
allan: yeah! i used to fly kites in march all the time! you know, i have to tell you this story...300 feet long...blah blah blah...600 feet long...blah blah blah...these big balls...blah blah blah...this kite store...blah blah blah....waikiki beach...oh, it was great i tell ya!

gosh, allan can talk about anything!

Thought of the Day: I need a haircut!
Song of the Day: No Doubt-Just A Girl (great guitar!)

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