January 15, 2002

ok, well i just finished reading the blogs of my fellow bloggers. however, what started off with a few chuckles and smiles slowly turned into a grinding of teeth and violent outbursts directed towards simon...this all resulted from reading gary's blog. ok mr. KGB, i first of all think you're making a REALLY big deal over something stupid. but since you brought it up and KEEP bringing it up, i WILL respond to it. apparently, our good friend, gary, misunderstood the whole topic over guys and girls being best friends. we discussed that guys and girls have a tendency to be attracted/have feelings (eventually) for the opposite sex...even if it's just a LITTLE, which i concur to. i believe that these feelings can exist and friendships can still remain depending on the people. just b/c there's going to be a small fork in the road doesn't mean you just stop being close friends! however, gary believes that even the possibility of the slightest feelings=NO FRIENDSHIP! he quotes, "NO such thing as an opposite sex being your best friend!!" for some reason, he discourages best friend relationships while he himself has a "best friend" that is a girl! gary, even CHANG said that guys and girls can still be close friends! maybe not forever, but my point is....you REALLY misunderstood our discussion yesterday (and please no more of that "ehehehehe...i was just kidding!" stuff ok?).

ok, now i can start talking about what was REALLY on my mind today. for dinner, i had an excellent burger that was brought from the airport by my beloved mother. it's one of those big burgers that cost 5 bucks and come with the unhealthiest fries which make your taste buds scream with joy. gosh, i enjoyed that meal so much that i think i started crying after my last fry! *sniff*...until we meet again my small friends!

so how is everyone doing with finals? i am personally enjoying this time of testing and final grades b/c i have no hw and i do not bother to study. the only finals i have this year are calculus and biology. calculus is one of those tests that you cannot study for...it's either you know it or you don't. in class, you had two choices-you were asking questions about last night's hw or you were asleep, dreaming about where tacobell meat really comes from. i would have to go with choice #2! =P for the bio final, we get to use all of our notes so you don't really have to study. well, one more day of finals guys...HWAEETEENG!

yesterday, beloved grendel and i went to go watch "a beautiful mind," which was a pretty good movie that seemed like 3 hours even though it was only 2. we ended up taking a taxi to the theatres b/c the driver offered to take us there for 5 bucks, which is alot cheaper than his first offer. this was my first time taking a taxi in this country so there were alotta things going on in my head. "hey, i don't see a license anywhere in this car! what if he drives us somewhere far and kills us?" "he's acting awfully nice to us...what's his problem?" this was our conversation in the car:

driver: so what movie are you going to go watch?
me: a beautiful mind.
driver: what's that about?
me: some crazy guy who can crack codes.
driver: cracking codes eh? yeah, i used to crack codes myself...blah blah blah...decoding...encoding...blah blah blah...some serious stuff!
me: oh.
(grendel looks at me with a confused face).

i mean, he was a pretty nice guy and all but i was scared throughout the whole ride and i don't think i'll ever take a taxi again.

well, i have nothing to do after finals. i have no money b/c i haven't been working so if you guys really care about me, please take me out? i REALLY do not want to go home, eat lunch, fall asleep, and blog all night ok?
Yesterday's Thought of the Day: BLAH!!!!...BLAH!!!!
Yesterday's Song of the Day: Weezer-Island in the Sun
Song of the Day: HOT Mega Medley
Thought of the Day: I am one broke bastard!

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