January 9, 2002

how's everyone's week going? mine's been great! remember how i whined and complained about school starting again? well, this week has actually been very kick back and relaxing for me. not so much hw, lunch has been tasting pretty good lately-my typical turkey sandwich, 2 bags of Big Grab chips, and an orange, and alotta stupid people have been leaving me alone! if this keeps up, i'm gonna start saying hi to my teachers! (yeah right!)

fudge! i just realized that prom is in approximately 3 months! man, i always told myself that i was going to worry about this later but that "later" is now! everyone's going to be bothering me to go with this girl or that girl. "oh, go with my friend! she has no date!" "oh, just go with her as friends!" DUDE, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE OK?! i'm not blind and deaf...i'm going to prom with or without a date! *sigh* it's going to be one of those stupid nights where you look back and say, "dang, i should have just went to church!" i know it's going to be like that! but enough whining for now...i'll have a crapload to say later on.

well, i came back from tutoring today and i just realized my job isn't so bad! i tutor a 7th grader named John in spanish and algebra. he's a bright kid, but can REALLY be lazy...hehe, kinda reminds me of myself! anyways, i have some pretty good times with john! sometimes, we write poems about church people, play 5-in-a-row, play snake on my cell phone, play tetris on my calculator, or just sit there and talk about how gay girls can be! i have alotta fun with that kid. everytime i help him solve a problem, he starts talking about how humble i am (sarcastically of course!). the poor kid has a tutor like every single day, but he says that i'm his favorite one...mainly b/c i actually talk to him and don't give him any hw even though i'm supposed to. but yeah, he supposedly DOES learn from me.

well, working out still sucks but it is getting somewhat easier. i'm not as sore as i used to be, but my body still looks unacceptable. according to Pastor John, the earliest you'll start seeing changes is 2 weeks. well, at least i've been consistent for 3 days!

oh yeah, i apologize for not putting up my daily thought and song of the day. after every blog, i knew i was forgetting something. anyways, here ya go! (hmmm, i wonder how many people actually bother to even read my stupid blog).
Thought of the Day: School with w/o hw is awesome!
Song of the Day: Jean Michel Jarre-Magnetic Fields 2

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