January 3, 2023

No Joke

The running joke on my Cambodia Team was that the age of 35 is the prime of your life. I tried to convince everyone that I had never been healthier and happier that year, which was actually true to some extent. Fast-forward about three years where I have gone into Urgent Care more times the past three months than I have in three decades. From hives to hands, foot, and mouth disease, I have grown more empathy for Job when he was going through his own physical suffering. I'm not used to taking prescription medicine or any medication for that matter; it's like I'm not 35 anymore...like I'm aging or something.

It's an interesting time to be in your mid-years. I see my parents who are essentially savoring their remaining years while my little one is exploring her new world each day. Being the middleman when everyone is together is a tricky situation because you cannot fully commit or engage with one side without sacrificing the other. It has become that much more apparent when I see how happy Naomi is to see her aunts and uncle because they give her so much more attention than I usually do. I want to be able to work, cook, and clean but still sing nursery rhymes with the Cocomelon toys too. I've heard it gets easier, but I've also heard it gets harder...and sometimes another one is on the way!

*not us, not yet anyway!

These thoughts are a bit jumbled because I just got back from my closed school where I learned that someone had jumped from one of the buildings. Similar to funerals, it's a sobering reminder to reflect on your own life and to see it for what it is and what it should be. We are all getting older and eventually moving further and further away from 35. But Paul reminds the Corinthian church that "we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day."

Thought of the Day: School Closed

Song of the Day: Ms. Rachel-I'm So Happy

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