February 13, 2013

Mr. Sick Chap Stick

There are seven essential things I always take with me whenever I go out:  glasses, watch, keys, wallet, cell phone, ear phones, and chap stick. I don't consider myself a forgetful person, but I accidentally leave the house without one of those necessities from time to time. Today was one of those days.  The chap stick.

It's not the end of the world or anything, but I feel like I'm missing a part of myself if I don't have everything with me.  I guess it has something to do with routine and security or something.  BUT! out of my seven necessities and out of all the days I could have forgotten one of them, I'm glad it happened to be the chap stick and I'm glad it happened to be today.

I've been coming in to school these days while most of the teachers have been enjoying their last few weeks of vacation. But there are always a handful of teachers coming in for random duties or supplementary classes. One of the teachers that came in today was this sick guy who coughs, snorts, and spits loudly into the garbage can, almost like he's making it a point to make sure we can all hear his nastiness. We'll call him Mr. Sick.

Anyway, most of the teachers don't really bother to talk to me, let alone make conversation with me. But Mr. Sick decided to have his loud morning coffee next to my desk and make small talk with me.  "Did you go anywhere during the winter vacation? Do you know so-and-so?  I used to be his homeroom teacher." Stuff like that. He eventually went back to his desk, and I got back to work. But after a few noisy coughs here and there, Mr. Sick returned and asked me if I happened to have any chap stick for his dry lips. Disgusted and relieved, I told him I did not. And he went back to his desk.

Nasty Mr. Sick. And that's my Valentine's Day morning for ya. Hope yours is better than mine!

Thought of the Day: Double Down
Song of the Day: Eric Satie-Gnossienne No. 1

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