October 10, 2010

Can you keep it down?

For the past 15 years, I needed to have music wherever I was. I got my first walkman when I was in 4th grade and always listened to it in the car. I bought my first cd player when I was in 9th grade and always listened to that in the bus. In high school and college, my car ALWAYS had something on. And after mp3s and file-sharing, my computer was always playing some playlist. Now, I'm always listening to music on my phone in the subway or when I'm riding my bike.

But for the past couple of months, my computer has been very quiet with no music on. Even now, I type away in silence and feel perfectly fine. This used to bother me as I couldn't stand any silence in my room. Why do I no longer feel the need for sound?

I read an article on cnn.com about noise harms and how many people "stated that street or traffic noise was bothersome...[others] said it was so bad that they wanted to move. More Americans are bothered by noise than by crime, odors and other problems listed under 'other bothersome conditions.'" Reading this article helped me to realize that I'm constantly surrounded by noise because I live in the city. One of the big reasons why I listen to music or sermons is to block out all the noise of this world. But when I come home to my room, that's the one place where I don't have to worry too much about hearing people, traffic, or construction. My ears can take a break for once.

According to the article, Robert Fifer, an associate professor of audiology and speech pathology at the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine, says: "If you can still hear what people are saying around you, you are at a safe level. If the volume is turned so loudly that you can no longer hear conversation around you, or if someone has to shout at you at a distance of about 2 or 3 feet to get your attention, then you are up in the hazardous noise range." In the end, we all live in a noisy world that needs a lot of blocking out, but I think I need to turn my music down.

Thought of the Day: 대공황
Song of the Day: M.I.A.-There's Space For Ol Dat I See

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