June 8, 2010

Some Like It Hot

Summer time is the time when I ball the most. I made a new basketball buddy a couple of weeks ago. We saw each other on the courts many times, and I found out that we were the same age. Ever since we exchanged numbers, we've never failed to ball together whenever either of us calls the other. Even when I asked him to play at 11PM, he was totally down to play. Tonight was our fifth night in a row. We kept telling each other that we'd see each other the NEXT weekend, but one of us always manages to call the other...and both of us manage to come out. It's a beautiful dynamic that we have. I wish the church would be the same way.

Last night as I was lying in bed, I realized that I was back to my "STARMAN" position where my arms and legs are all spread out because it's so hot. My brother always laughed at that and said it reminded him of Homer Simpson. It is 1:38AM right now and it's freakin' 29.6 degrees in my room. Each day literally keeps getting warmer and warmer too. My arms and legs can't spread out that far!

As July is approaching, so is the end of my two year cell phone contract, which means it's time to get a new phone! It's always exciting buying a new gadget or machine like a computer or a car. There's been a lot of buzz about smartphones and Androids and 4G phones (whatever those mean). At this very moment, the two craziest phones happen to be the new iPhone and the new Samsung Galaxy S. Since I am a firm believer in Anycall phones, I must confess that Samsung has caught my attention. Check it out...

At the same time, if I'm making another phone contract for the next two years, you know what that means for all you curious people who wonder when I'll go back to the states. You're probably better off just visiting me than waiting for me to come. That makes me kinda sad.

Days Remaining: 3

Thought of the Day: Tablo
Song of the Day: SS501-Love Ya

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