February 27, 2010

Queen Yuna

I hate how NBC doesn't allow international viewing. The American commentators sound much more excited and impressed than the SBS fools. On the other hand, the American commentators weren't choking on their tears and thanking 연아 as if she had won for them.

Thought of the Day: 몸살
Song of the Day: Taru-Miss You Alternative Mix

1 comment:

elisa said...

oh... that is really too bad that you can't see the NBC commentary. It's so much better than the Korean version because the American experts seem to have a better idea of what they are talking about (I saw both because my parents record the Korean performance before it airs on American TV.)

Did you see the Korean broadcast of the first Korean speed skate gold though? It was so funny and sweet that both male announcers couldn't get out a word for a minute or so because the were holding back tears. So much pride and national identity =)