January 28, 2010

Time Travel

I find myself going back to the past a lot these days. I had dinner with my Elite coworkers twice last week and once this week. I recently decided to rewatch (500) Days of Summer...which I still thoroughly enjoyed. I'm listening to the Beastie Boys on my ipod. I'm reading Anne Frank's "The Diary of a Young Girl" every night. I also started Helen Keller's "The Story of my Life" for my bathroom reading. Here's an interesting thing she wrote:

"I think I knew when I was naughty, for I knew that it hurt Ella, my nurse, to kick her, and when my fit of temper was over I had a feeling akin to regret. But I cannot remember any instance in which this feeling prevented me from repeating the naughtiness when I failed to get what I wanted."

I just finished rewatching "The Graduate." There were a lot of memorable scenes and quotes in that movie, but I particularly liked the dialogue after Elaine finds Ben at his place:

Elaine: What are you going to do now?
Ben: I don't know.

Elaine: Are you going home?

Ben: No...Elaine, you're going to have to stop asking.

Once you enter adulthood, everybody wants to know where you're going. What school are you going to? What's your major? What do you want to do with that? Are you dating anyone? When do you plan on getting married? Where do you want to live? When do you want to have kids? How many? We all ask each other the same questions. However, I think I find myself asking my own self these questions more than anyone else. Maybe that's why I keep looking to things from the past. It's all so certain. I already know how everything will turn out. But as Ben said, I'm going to have to stop asking.

Thought of the Day: Nieces
Song of the Day: Rob Dougan-Clubbed To Death

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