January 23, 2009

"officially on vacation!!!!" This is what my old-worker, Margaret, texted to me today. I totally feel her. Leaving that hakwon building did wonders to your endorphin levels. I actually wanted to stop by with some donuts and see how everyone was doing. Unfortunately, the weather was miserable today and so was the traffic. But this is one of the few times that even private tutors get a break. It makes me so happy when I hear that my students are going somewhere far and will not come back for a long time. Break me off a piece of that Kit-Kat bar. Truly.

Today's Daniel Adventure:

(crying because I had disturbed his sleep).
Me: Daniel, you're 10 years old! You're not supposed to cry anymore!
Daniel: My friend is 10, and he cries too!
Me: Well, then your friend is a baby.
Daniel: But my mom cries too! She's not 10!
Me: But she's a woman. It's ok for her to cry.
Daniel: Then I'm a girl too!
Me: No, you're not! You're a boy!
Daniel: No. I have no penis.
Me: Fine. Prove it then. If there's something there, we're going to cut it off. Go get the scissors.
Daniel: My dad cries too!
Me: He does?!
Daniel: Yeah. When people die.

So this went on for a while, but he eventually stopped crying after I started laughing at all of his examples. Daniel, it's actually ok to cry. You make me cry all the time.

Days Remaining: 1

Thought of the Day: 원장님
Song of the Day: Matt Redman-Shine

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