November 29, 2008

Some kids pick their nose and eat their boogers. My student scratches his hair or rubs his toes and smells his fingers. He's done it for so long that I can't bring myself to address it to him now. I gag every time he does it...especially when I can smell the oil from his hair.

I got a chance to check out Enoch's awesome company, SAS.
The dark side of SAS, that is.
This is where he carries out his delightful Monday-Fridays (and sometimes, Saturdays).

Some people have an obsession with cleaning. My obsession is organization...or to be more exact, RE-organization. I've been sleeping on my new mattress without a bed cover for a while and decided to be patient until my dad ordered one online. But as I was moving my bed around (for the nth time) today, I had an epiphany. I could do to my bed what Vincent and Jules did to their car in Pulp Fiction!

백지영 is back with another heart-wrenching song. There is seriously no other singer who can touch my heart like she does.

Thought of the Day: Rapper.
Song of the Day: 백지영-총맞은 것처럼

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