July 27, 2008

On Saturday, my student was telling me about how he didn't understand that "lol" meant "laughing out loud." So when he was inside a chatroom, everyone was using "lol," whereupon he typed "lollipop" to fit in with the conversation. Everyone told him to shut up and kicked him out of the server. This story really made me LOL.

I just finished Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451." I think it started off well but ran out of gas towards the latter half. Ain't no "1984." Anyways, I think the author said some very good things in his interview:

“It has nothing to do with pay. Either you love what you’re dong, or…Look, I wrote for years, and I wasn’t paid. My love carried me through all those years. I sold newspapers on the street corner. When I was twenty-two, I was making ten dollars a week. When I started making twenty dollars a week from selling stories, I quit selling newspapers. You’re either in love with what you do, or you’re not in love.”

“Reading is at the center of our lives. The library is our brain. Without the library, you have no civilization.”

I like that last quote. Everyone knows I have a great heart for movies, but every book does something special that movies will never be able to do. These days, books ARE my movies (until Dark Knight)!

I start summer intensives tomorrow. If you need someone or something to pray about, there you go. I know I'll be.

Thought of the Day: Yom Da Bomb & Enoch The Hotdog
Song of the Day: Yom Da Bomb-I'm Yours

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