December 9, 2007

I've been feeling really tired almost everyday. The funny thing is that I'm getting a lot of sleep, +8 hours these days. I've been having some hard days, but I don't think I'm particularly depressed. However, I do find myself not smiling as much either, which actually isn't saying much since I don't smile very much to begin with. It's something that I really want to work on though. I always used to despise people who never looked happy. Sadly, I've become one of those despicable people.

"Christianity is not just for Sunday mornings. It's for difficult Monday mornings."
-Dennis Kang

Pastor Dennis is such a faithful preacher. He is one man who never fails to help me smile. Happy Monday.

Thought of the Day: 식곤증
Song of the Day: Wu-Tang Clan-16th Chamber (ODB Special)

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